Royal School of Needlework-- 2015 Courses

Friday, March 13, 2009

"To Ink or Not to Ink, That is the Question"

Several of us have been working on The Ladies of the Sea. I have just posted The Elissa--1877. All of us are trying to decide if we want to ink the name and date of each ship, embroider the name and date with a single strand of black DMC thread, or just leave the name off of the block. I really don't want to do anything to distract from the attractiveness of the ship, but if I do not add each name, I might find myself in one of life's embarrassing moments, not being able to recall the name of each individual ship.


Robin said...

I like the idea of inking in the names/dates. I think it would look fabulous.

Margaret said...

Yes. I think we may go that way. We may try the Elly Sienkiewicz inking technique.