Royal School of Needlework-- 2015 Courses

Friday, June 3, 2011

Clamshell Quilt Guild Night with Pat Ferguson

PAT FERGUSON, a machine quilting specialist, recently visited the ladies of Clamshell Quilt Guild (Waterford, CT) and gave a visual lecture on the art of machine quilting quilts of all sizes on a standard sewing machine.

The following day, Pat taught a class in machine quilting techniques. You might want to visit Pat's web page. There is a lot of helpful information in her "Tutorials".

These are some of the quilts Pat brought to show machine quilting examples.


Zehra said...

This patchworks so affected by me.I love the first one.Everything is wonderful.

Maritza said...

Margaret, están preciosos los trabajos y los acolchados de Pat. El quilt blanco me encantó, un beso

Angeles Caso said...

Es una casualidad pero este jueves he tenido mi primer curso de "machine quilting" oooohhhh ¡qué difícil¡ y cuanta práctica voy a necesitar para acolchar a máquina como Pat. El primer quilt es precioso y esta hecho que es una maravilla, me encanta.
Un abrazo muy fuerte, Geli